Many accomplishments were made in 2019 for some of our participants. Some completed their life and job skills classes, one joined the armed forces, one will be enrolling in college and many more milestones were celebrated. We celebrate the small steps as well as the large milestones. Encouragement comes in many forms, it could be a well done pat on the back, a hug, someone noticing your trying to better your life and the lives of your family by continuing your education, or drawing closer to God through Bible Study.
Would you like to help by walking along side someone as they take these steps? For 2020 we would like to have someone for each lady to be able to call on as their prayer partner, their friend, their mentor in life. All it would take is to be a friend and a sounding board for someone, you are not required to solve someone's problems, actually we don't want you to! Our goal is for each participant in our program is to make life and job decisions for themselves after seeking council from resources available to them in our community. We want their goals, decisions, and choices to be theirs. We need ladies who are seeking God in their personal lives and have been urged by the Holy Sprit to help others. If you don't feel like that is what you can do, but want to help in some way please contact me and lets talk. There are many things that are needed at Merea from the smallest of helping to clean office, work in clothes closet, teach a class, Bible Study etc. there is a place for everyone to serve.
